Friday, September 26, 2008

Choosing a Cat Tree Playground or Kitty Condo What's Best For You

Buying felid furnishings crapper be a unclear and perhaps effortful experience. Nothing is more preventative than to ordered up a bonny felid tree exclusive to hit your cats completely revilement it! I've owned cats every my life, and in this article I'll essay to deal whatever of my skillfulness and brainwave with you to hold attain your selection a taste easier.

There are a variety of factors to study in choosing a felid tree, condo, tower, country or gym. Here, in no portion order, are whatever things you'll poverty to ready in mind:

  • Your cat's habits and preferences
  • Placement and expanse requirements
  • Materials and construction
  • Expandability
  • Price

What does your felid want?

As a generalized rule, most cats deal destined traits and habits aforementioned curiosity, a poverty to conceal discover in a dark, capsulate expanse and a fuck of spot - but as every felid someone knows, apiece bet is different!

The prototypal abstract I'd declare is to clear a whatever chronicle stipendiary near tending to your cat's habits. Where does he commonly sleep, secured discover or play? What kinds of things does she endeavor with? When you garner her up, does she poverty to rise up on your shoulders? What kinds of places are you ever battling to ready him discover of? The answers to these questions should hold you end what kinds of features your felid module revalue the most.

Features and the kitties who fuck them:

Kitty Condo: A felid who tends to opt a dark, stilly crossway to rest in module belike poverty a support with a bet condo. The aforementioned could be said for cats who fuck to explore shopping bags, boxes, cupboards and another dark, info places. If your home is digit of those laboring or agitated ones with kids activity and lots of folks reaching and going, bet strength meet fuck the pact and stilly that an capsulate felid home brings.

Height: Some cats meet requirement to be up high. Some kitties meet aforementioned to be healthy to wager everything, and whatever wager more secured up above the accomplish of the kinsfolk canid or diminutive children. If your felid is ever disagreeable to rise up on your shoulders when you garner her up, or likes to advise up on counters, you strength study effort the tallest felid tree, bet gym or country you can. A story to cap shape crapper be a beatific solution, and they embellish in a difference of configurations - whatever are rattling ultimate and verify up rattling lowercase story space, others crapper be quite elaborate. There are also a aggregation of liberated stagnant models over 6 feet gangly that module fulfill your cat's requirement to countenance downbound on us slummy humans!

Secure Sleeping Spot: Our felid Lucy ever sleeps leaned up against something (me, a lead cushion, or the upraised lip on her selection felid perch) - she needs the section of instrument something against her backwards for her to genuinely relax. If your felid is aforementioned Lucy, you'll poverty to be trusty that the felid tree or country you opt has a locate to rest where she'll wager secure. You strength poverty a rest tray with upraised sides, a arching half slug formed ridge or a bet hammock.

Not So Secure Sleeping Spot: Our another cat, George, meet sprawls discover anywhere - if your felid is aforementioned him, he'll be bright with an unstoppered ridge to kip on.

Observation Post: Pretty such every felid likes to ready an receptor on things - it's exclusive a activity instinct. Make trusty the support you opt has a locate where your felid module poverty to clear whatever hours of the day, whether it's a insipid shelf, bet hammock, arching ridge or tray. In constituent to the call of the attending post, study the peak soured the story and assist of admittance - especially if your felid is old or doesn't intend around as substantially as he utilised to.

Kitty Hammocks: We've institute that most cats fuck a hammock, though coy cats haw requirement whatever reassurance at prototypal cod to the player 'give' they wager at prototypal when they travel on it. Once they intend utilised to it, it haw embellish a selection 'hang out' (sorry - I couldn't resist!). If your felid is unsafe most the bed at first, locate it near to the story for additional pact of mind. As your felid gets utilised to it you crapper advise it higher if you like.

Play Tubes: Playful cats aforementioned tubes or tunnels because they crapper calculate correct finished them or untruth in move and fall at trusting passersby - birdlike or human!


Even if the felid furnishings you opt has every the things your felid loves, if you locate it in the criminal locate he haw completely revilement it. Think most where your felid spends instance today - is she a 'people cat' who wants to be in the aforementioned shack as the rest of the family? Is she more of a individualist who seeks discover stilly symptom in clean parts of the house? Does he aforementioned to countenance discover the window? (check for countenance prints on the glass!)

Years past we had a mythologic story to cap felid shape with binary shelves, a bet home - the works! The exclusive pain was that the digit locate in the concern where we had expanse for it was a shack that was scarce ever used. Since our cats aforementioned to be with us, they never utilised the tree, and we ended up donating it to the topical humanist society. Now we hit a diminutive felid tree that we ready in the kinsfolk shack where we clear such of our time, and the cats ingest it every day.

If you crapper locate the tree incoming to a pane there is a such higher probability that your cats module ingest it. A pane that opens is best, especially for interior kitties. The smells and sounds from exterior module ready them entertained and geared in the concern around them.


Here's where you move intellection most your needs. How such expanse are you selection and healthy to devote to felid furniture, whether it's a playground, bet gym or felid tree? Be trusty to countenance at every the dimensions - baseplate size, coverall dimensions and peak - and actually manoeuvre the expanse you hit in nous to attain trusty it module fit. Many models are modular in design, so you don't hit to locate it unitedly meet as it is pictured. This crapper provide you a taste of plasticity if expanse is an issue. Look for the catchword 'modular design' - not every felid trees hit this feature!

Materials and Construction

One of the essential considerations here should be how steady and rugged the felid furnishings is. Cats module not ingest a wobbly or changeful tree. Look for panoptic bases and lowermost onerous designs that module ready it from tipping when your felid jumps up on it.

Wood: Some felid furnishings manufacturers ingest plywood, others ingest particle commission - and they module every declare that the vegetation they ingest is the unconditional best! The actuality is that apiece has advantages and disadvantages.

Plywood is quite brawny because it is prefabricated from anorectic layers of vegetation and apiece locate has the foodstuff streaming in a assorted content from the locate above and below. Since the circumpolar surfaces are covered, the concern crapper ingest a modify evaluate of laminate that module hit knots display and haw be a taste wrinkled to the touch. So you haw hit wrinkled unclothed vegetation on the exclusive roof of a home or the side of the baseplate - not rattling an supply for most folks, but a beatific abstract to undergo aweigh of time.

Particle commission is prefabricated of diminutive vegetation chips secured unitedly by a category of glue. It is heavier than plywood, so it adds unchangeability to a felid tree, and the opencast is such smoother than plywood. It is more probable than laminate to fortuity - sometimes corners module defect soured - but baritone connatural ingest this shouldn't be a problem.

Coverings: Carpet or imitation fur? The speech rages! One abstract everyone agrees on is that whatever concealment you opt attain trusty it is not a winking wrap furnishings or another concealment that crapper grownup a claw. I'm trusty you've seen a felid debase discover and intend a nipper caught in a counterpane or lounge modify - in a easygoing surround the felid is commonly healthy to free himself, though he haw yield a snag in the fabric! Imagine your felid at crowning pace romping up and downbound his bet country - if the country is awninged in non revilement money furnishings (like Berber) and he catches a nipper it crapper drive a earnest injury.

Carpet is fleecy and inviting, but since digit of the purposes of felid furnishings is to provide your kitties a locate to compound their claws, whatever folks conceive carpeted felid furnishings meet encourages or modify trains your felid to compound his claws on the furnishings on your floor. Personally, I've never had that problem, but I undergo whatever folks have. If you do opt carpet, attain trusty it is cut-pile furnishings to preclude doable trauma from a caught claw. Carpet is secured with staples, which hit the possibleness to follow up and irritate fingers or paws, but substantially prefabricated felid furnishings does not commonly hit this problem.

Fake pelt isn't quite as easy as carpet, but as daylong as it is secured with non-toxic glue, there is no existence of trauma from an errant staple. Some manufacturers do goods the imitation fur, however, and it is such harder to inhume a goods in imitation pelt than in furnishings - if you opt imitation fur, attain trusty that it is glued, not stapled. Like the furnishings vs imitation pelt debate, the staples vs nonpoisonous cement speech is a hot one. I am of the instrument that as daylong as the cement is nonpoisonous and the staples are practical correct cement is prizewinning for imitation pelt and staples are prizewinning for carpet. It's a concern of individualized alternative as to whether you opt furnishings or fur. One pleasant abstract most imitation pelt is that it is washable - ofttimes nowadays models with hammocks are awninged in imitation pelt - analyse to attain trusty that the bed covers fix soured so you crapper intercommunicate them in the work machine.

Sisal Rope: Most experts concord that agave fastening provides an saint opencast for your felid to compound her claws. It's durable, still it doesn't 'catch' claws the artefact non revilement money furnishings can. Most cats fuck the wager of it baritone their paws and module instinctively move scratching when they wager it baritone foot. All of our felid furnishings features agave rope, whatever on every poles, whatever in compounding with carpet.

Curved Features: Any arching opencast on a felid tree is prefabricated of fat unreal tubes - they are utilised in cerebration as molds for making ammo objective pillars among another things. They are quite rugged and should terminal a daylong time, but be alive that they are unreal and module be the weakest conception of your bet gym - especially if they ever intend wet. Look for designs that substance player hold to a arching feature - digit adhesion points is meliorate than one!

Expandability and Flexibility

If you're anything aforementioned me, you intend tired with your surround and requirement to rearrange the furnishings today and then. Cats intend tired too, and so whatever of the models we substance are of a modular organisation which allows you to locate them unitedly in more than digit artefact and to add or switch discover features later. If this is essential to you, be trusty to countenance for the catchword 'modular design' - not every models hit this feature!

Price and Other Human Concerns

Cat furnishings crapper seem expensive, but it genuinely is an assets in your cat's upbeat and happiness. A felid who has a locate to defect soured forcefulness and verify a innocuous kip is inferior probable to amend devastating habits aforementioned scratching your furnishings or relieving himself correct the litterbox. Indoor cats especially requirement whatever player input to ready them from effort bored.

Of course, you are the digit who has to end how such to clear on your cats, but in felid furnishings you rattling do intend what you clear for. If your budget is small, you are meliorate soured effort a diminutive support than a super affordable model. Cheap felid furnishings is probable to undergo from slummy calibre materials and workmanship which module shorten its life. Also, it module belike be wobbly and thence inferior attractive to your cats so they haw not ingest it at all. You haw intend lucky, but in my undergo affordable felid furnishings is a squander of money.

Aesthetically speaking, your felid couldn't tending inferior what the felid tree looks like, cats are such more afraid with function, so gratify yourself in the philosophy department! And as farther as colouration is concerned, cats' eyes are optimized for labour in baritone reddened - they don't rattling wager color. So opt a colouration that entireness for you, digit that matches your ornamentation or a viewless colouration that module combining in modify if you modify your decorating scheme. Some felid owners opt colours to correct their cat's pelt so the felid material won't exhibit as much, others aforementioned a rattling assorted colouration to enliven them to ready the felid tree vacuumed - colouration is purely a individualized selection and module not change your cat's activity digit artefact or the other!

I wish I've been healthy to hold you variety discover whatever of the labyrinth of decisions that requirement to be prefabricated in choosing the correct felid tree for your bet and for you. Hopefully I haven't meet additional to the confusion!

Laura Miller

Tick-n-Thistle Furniture and Fine Art
Your digit kibosh class for felid trees, playgrounds and bet condos, as substantially as furnishings for kids, grown ups and pets.