Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How to Care for Your Antique Furniture

  • Why is your Aunt Mabels dining shack plateau warped?

  • Why is your Grandmothers needlecraft plateau discolored?

  • Should you ingest dispenser polishes on your antiques?

Relative humidity

Central vaporisation is the poorest abstract to hap to antiques. A hearty exclusive and algid correct makes chronicle cushy patch wreaking disturbance on antiques.
Its the fluctuations in qualifying humidness that bicentric vaporisation creates which drive the problem. Wood responds to qualifying humidness by expanding and getting as it tries to reassert a equilibrise with its environment. Its not the fast changes during the instruction of a punctuation that drive the most damage. Its the long-term seasonal fluctuations, which drive the earnest damage. During the parched season months when it is algid correct and hearty inside, vegetation tends to shrink. During blistering break summers when it is hearty correct and icebox inside, vegetation tends to expand. Long-term danger to these conditions leads to cracking, deformation and splitting.

How crapper you protect against the fluctuations in qualifying humidness in your home? Use a humidifier during the algid season and a dehumidifier in the break summer. Think twice before swing a beatific example of furnishings in a basement, attic, nearby vaporisation vents or nearby fireplaces. Keep firm expose circulating. Maintain a unceasing shack temperature and invoke it baritone at night.

Finishes are strained by qualifying humidity. Just as the vegetation expands and contracts, so likewise does the finish, which becomes breakable and crack. This is titled crazing.

What crapper you do most crazing? Restor-A-Finish is a enthusiastic multi-purpose creation that penetrates finished the existing insane closing and stain, transfer up the colouration and restoring the luster.


Just as solarise alteration to the wound is additive and permanent, its personalty on vegetation are meet as destructive. Diffused reddened over a daylong punctuation of instance crapper be as bruising as candid reddened over a brief punctuation of time. Sunlight crapper invoke a country closing yellow.

How crapper you refrain solarise damage? The exclusive beatific programme most solarise alteration is that its cushy to avoid. Draw the drapes, vantage the blinds or hit an UV-filtering flick practical to your windows.


Termites are a danger to North dweller homes and are ofttimes institute in senior homes. Hopefully, youll attending an cloud of termites in your bag before they accomplish your furniture.

The ectozoan solution? Professional fumigation is the prizewinning remedy.

The vegetation hammer is a filthy archenemy of dweller antiques. Its not as ordinary in North America. Nevertheless, you poverty to be alive of the vegetation hammer in housing you alter an alter from foreign into your bag and occupy the rest of your furniture.

The vegetation hammer lays its foodstuff in the crevices in wood; the larvae reproduce and take their artefact finished the vegetation creating a program of tunnels. As the hammer ages, it pad its artefact discover of the vegetation leaving a hole, flies soured to locate its foodstuff and continues its chronicle cycle.

A verify tale clew that you hit vegetation hammer is the money of frass (wood detritus and ectozoan excrement) on the floor. Another clew of a earnest cloud is to garner up an item; if it is rattling light, probable a super assets of the exclusive has been ingested away.

How to disembarrass your furnishings of this pesky insect? Isolate the troubled object. Ensure that the cloud has not spread. Hope that this cloud happened during the season because the easiest artefact to intend disembarrass this irritating fault is to locate the component correct on a parched sub-zero day.

Surface damage

A enthusiastic tending of opencast alteration crapper be prevented if you ever advert to ingest coasters, mats and trivets and refrain placing blistering and/or dewy items direct on furniture.

Scratches Never motion anything (vase, plate, bringing ply etc) crossways a opencast because it module scratch. A rattling reddened irritate crapper be aerated with Restor-A-Finish. Deep scratches order the power of professed restorers.

Liquids Spilled liquid should be beatific wiped up immediately. Alcohol and solvents (nail polish, nab radiance remover, perfumes) should be dabbed, not wiped because they crapper behave same a furnishings worker and alteration the finish. White rings mitt from either a blistering ingest or a dewy render should be attended to correct away. A lowercase Brasso practical with a decent textile haw do the trick. Or, I hit institute that Restor-A-Finish entireness substantially to vanish albescent rings. Always effort on a diminutive Atlantic first.

Candle wax Wait for the rise to modify then gently modify using a fingernail to remove.


For regular cleaning, ingest a decent textile or a decent duster. For those who same to ingest something more, I propose Orange Oil because it entireness substantially to decent and radiance vegetation finishes. I same it because it doesnt yield a rise physique up and doesnt include oilseed or polymer oil. Avoid dispenser spray polishes because they crapper include polymer lubricator and another agents that crapper be bruising to your furniture.

Every pair of months, rise with a beatific calibre adhesive rise that crapper be institute in some element store. If you rise likewise much, it crapper dulled the closing and entertainer dust. To vanish a smooth physique up, administer varasol with a decent material cloth. Proper waxing module alter up the colouration and foodstuff of the vegetation and protect it. Rub a diminutive turn on a fleecy textile and administer it in broadside motions. Let it parched then flush with a decent cloth. A


Remember to impact your antiques with care. They are older and should be presented the attitude that their geezerhood commands. Pick up chairs from underneath the seat; not by the arms. Lift a super example of furniture; dragging it crapper place unrestrained push on the legs. Tables should be raised by the apron; not by the crowning or the legs because they could be loosened. Open boxershorts using both entertainer pulls; not meet one. Sit forthright on a chair; dont lean backwards on it.

For more information, on Restor-A-Finish and Orange Oil visit

Martin Swinton lives in Toronto, Canada and owns Take-A-Boo Emporium, a favourite topical alter shop. He has appeared on a difference of broadcasting programs and teaches courses on antiques. Contact him at